Article Builder Honest Review - My Bad Experience!

article-builderIn my Article Builder review, i will reveal to you my bad experience using article builder and why i don’t recommend buying it, specially if you are really looking for a way to create unique articles to use in your online business. First let me show you what is article builder and how it works..

What is Article Builder All About?

Article builder is a web-based application (by Jonathan Leger creator of the best spinner) that allows you to create unlimited number of articles by pressing few buttons. Article builder generate articles using a large database of old-style Private Label Rights (PLR) articles and a built in spinner. It uses snippets to build articles based on categories and subtopics of your choice.

Article builder claims that it has tens of thousands of categorized snippets in the database, so every time you generate an article, it should be different or unique! Remember this big claim because i’m about to show you that this is not true.

Article builder is also considered as an auto-blogging tool as it can automatically post the generated articles to your blog according to a schedule, ex: once a day, twice a day, every five days…etc.

All sounds cool but…

Does Article Builder Really Create High quality & Unique content?

What high quality articles mean? on article builder sales page, they say that you’ll be getting well-written, high quality articles because their content will be generated by native english speakers from Usa, Canada or United Kingdom. This means that all Plr articles they have should be well written, but that doesn’t mean that the generated articles will be high quality.

Let me explain; High quality doesn’t only mean that articles will have no grammar mistakes but it also means that articles should be well written, well organized, targeted to a specific subject and should provide value to the readers. Articles created by article builder will be spun (rewritten) articles with random articles snippets which will result in articles with some general random information depending on the category you choose inside article builder.

Here’s an example:

Imagine you have created an article on “Quit Smoking” category using article builder, and the resulted article had the following:

  • Title” how to stop smoking?”.

  • 1st paragraph talks about E-cigarettes

  • 2nd paragraph talks about that 18.1% American adults are current smokers

  • 3rd paragraph talks about smoking in Indonesia

  • 4th paragraph talks about Smoking and cancer

As a reader, do you think that kind of articles are high quality?!

I bet you will be able to easily distinguish between an article written by human and an article that was automatically put together.

What About Unique content?

You may already know that content is king, and search engines love to index new content. The problem is with Article builder there are no limits for people who use this platform, despite the fact that random snippets are put together to produce articles, you can expect to see the same exact articles already published and indexed by the search engines.

Article builder claims that the articles produced will be at least 90% unique each time it spins the PLR content in the database but that is Not true …

I did a small test, i created many articles using article builder, and started to search for duplicate content or any similar content on the web, the i discovered the shocking fact that the generated articles were Not unique, there were many duplicates and copies already published online. I even tried the highly spun articles feature in article builder which was supposed to create articles to pass copyscape but that didn’t make any difference.

Infact even if article builder succeeded to fool copyscape,  the articles generated aren’t 90% unique as claimed to be.

If you heard people saying that they’ve created unique articles using article builder, that’s right …it was possible at that time when article builder first launched, as there were only few people using the platform. But as new members started to join, article builder started to generate articles with the exact same phrases.

Should You Use Article Builder?

I’d say if you are looking for unique high quality content to use on your blog, then this is not for you. But if you want to create articles the easy way to use for your article marketing and to build backlinks, then in this case it can be a helpful tool.

The Only good thing about Article builder is that it can create PLR readable articles fast, so think of it as a big PLR articles generator. But keep in mind that if you want to get unique articles, you will have to use an article rewriting software like the best spinner inorder to rewrite your articles.

What is the Best Way to Create Unique High quality content?

In my opinion, the bet way to create content will be by either creating content yourself or by hiring someone to write for you. It is not expensive, think about it: Articlebuilder costs $297/Year and to make content unique you’ll need the best spinner which is $77/year, that’s $31/Month or $7.7/week

So why not paying the same $31/Month to a skilled writer who will write good 100% unique articles for you. And you won’t have to worry about search engines or duplicate content. I use hire writers to order articles, i have been using their service for along time and i’m pretty satisfied with their quality and good price. You can learn more in my hire writers review here.


In my opinion, Since article builder failed to provide unique articles as it claims, it didn’t worth the hassle, If you are searching for unique content, this is not for you. However for those who like PLR content and want to create content on the fly with a push button software, article builder makes this easy.

Article Builder Honest Review - My Bad Experience!


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