LinkTrackr Review - Is It The Best Affiliate Link Cloaker?!

In this review, i will show you all LinkTrackr features and how you can easily cloak, manage and track all your affiliate links easily and effectively. I have tested several affiliate link cloaking tools over the last few years, and at last i have decided to use LinkTrackr to cloak and manage all my links. There are many reasons of why i prefer using LinkTrackr over than any other link cloaking tool. keep reading to discover why!

What is LinkTrackr?

LinkTrackr is simply a web service that allows you to create, cloak, split test and track all your links in one place. LinkTrackr makes it easy to:

  1. Cloak and protect your affiliate links against commission theft.

  2. Optimize your links for search engines index and social media sharing.

  3. Track all your links clicks and performance anywhere on the web, like: third party sites and social media.

  4. Do split testing and test multiple URLs with one link.

  5. Track clicks from banners or ads you create on other sites, ex: Facebook ads, solo ads, PPC, and more.

  6. Display overall stats for total clicks and conversion rate.

You can also set a custom domain to cloak all your links behind it, so that your links will look short, more professional and easy to remember. LinkTrackr has many features available, so let me show what you each feature and what you will get.

LinkTrackr Main Features:

1. Custom Domain URL

One of the best LinkTrackr features is the ability to use your own custom domain url to cloak your affiliate links, you can also use the default domain names (3) available in LinkTrackr to start creating links instantly which means that you don’t have to use a custom domain to create links, but it’s just an additional feature that allows you to better brand yourself.

But, ofcourse using a custom domain of your own to cloak your links like: looks more sexy and professional than or

You can also add more new domains at anytime to be used for your links, this is helpful if you own multiple websites and you want to use a different URL for creating links for each brand.

Linktrackr links

2. Affiliate Links Cloaking

Creating links in LinkTrackr is very simple just enter your link name, URL and destination URL to be used as your cloaked link. As you can see i’m using as my custom domain name to cloak all my links. You also have the option to arrange all your links in groups or categories which makes it alot easier to search for your links inside LinkTrackr, specially when you have hundreds of links.

3. Affiliate Links Optimization

For each link you create in LinkTrackr, you have an option to enter what’s called “link meta information” which includes the title, description, keywords, and image url to be used for your link. You can click the fetch button and LinkTrackr will automatically fetch data from your affiliate link and display it inside each field, however i recommend you write a unique meta information to allow search engines to index your links and to treat them as unique content. Learn how to rank your cloaked affiliate links here.

Linktrackr meta information

4. Hiding URL (Basic Cloaking)

Another option when creating links inside LinkTrackr is the ability to hide URL, this will prevent your main affiliate link from appearing in the internet browser and will display only your cloaked affiliate link created in LinkTrackr so people who click on your link will never see your main affiliate link URL. If you are promoting an affiliate offer or a product, please note that this option will hide their URL completely so make sure to read their terms as some sites don’t like their URLs to be hidden.

Linktrackr - hiding url

5. Cloaking with Viral Bar

You can also choose to display a social sharing bar at the (top or bottom) of each of your links to encourage people to share your links and get more viral free traffic from social media sites. Imagine if you have created a cloaked affiliate link with a viral bar, when people share your link, they will be sharing your cloaked affiliate link not your main affiliate link, so your commissions will be protected and you will be able to earn more commissions through viral sharing. (powerful feature)

linktrackr - social sharing viral bar

5. Real Time Clicks Tracking

LinkTrackr has a real time link tracking which means that click stats are displayed instantly on LinkTrackr dashboard with no delays, this fast tracking feature is very helpful specially for tracking your Ad campaigns clicks and performance. Getting real time statistics will help you determine how well your ads or links perform. You can view total clicks and unique clicks during any period of time today, yesterday, last 7 days, last month ..etc.

linktrackr instant link tracking

Conversion Tracking

If you are not tracking your conversions: leads and sales, then you are doing your online business blindly and you are wasting alot of money. You should always use a conversion tracking platform to easily track all your traffic campaigns.

For example: if you are running Ads on PPC, banners and solo ads.

You will need to know exactly where are all your leads and sales are coming from and which ad campaign brings you the highest conversions rate. LinkTrackr allows you to track your conversions easily by placing a simple code on your website, you will be able to see your total conversions and the total sales amount.

linktrackr - conversions rate tracking

Advanced Conversion Tracking

You know that conversion tracking is important but at most cases inorder to track your conversions you will need to place a piece of conversion code on the “thank you” page. The problem is if you are promoting other people’s products as an affiliate you have no access to the “thank you” page of the merchant’s site.

Well, LinkTrackr was able to solve this problem using 3 different tracking methods for affiliates: Pixel tracking, Postback/Callback URL tracking and TID tracking.

You can learn more about these methods, and how they work on LinkTrackr website.

A/B Split Testing and URL Rotator

LinkTrackr has a split testing feature which allows you to split test and distribute the traffic evenly between number of links, you can also distribute the traffic between them anyway you want. This is perfect for testing different landing pages, or product offers for ex: if you have 4 landing pages and you want to know which one will convert the best, with LinkTrackr you can split the traffic between them evenly so that each landing page will get 25% of the traffic or you can set the percentage % in anyway you want. Keep in mind that there are other link rotators that can split traffic between your links but they will distribute traffic evenly, they won’t allow you to assign a certain percentage of traffic to each link as in case of LinkTrackr.

linktrackr split tsting

WordPress Cloaking (Convert Keywords To Links)

One of the best features i like about LinkTrackr is that it allows you to automatically convert keywords into an affiliate link or a tracking link. There is a free LinkTrackr link cloaking & tracking plugin that you can install on your wordpress site to instantly convert the keywords you specify into your affiliate links, the plugin can save you alot of time as you will no longer to add links manually in wordpress which is ideal for blog with 100′s of posts.

What’s Special About LinkTrackr?

I have tried popular affiliate cloaking wordpress plugins like: Pretty links and MbpNinjaAffiliate.

Both will do link cloaking and will get the job done, however i’ve found LinkTrackr to be more reliable.

Here’s why:

  • Pretty links and Mbp ninja affiliate are wordpress plugins, so you will need to install them on one of your domain names to start creating links, if your website went down for any reason, all your links will stop working which can be a nightmare.

  • These plugins will store all your links on your site database which will increase your website size with time.

  • When using a wp plugin like Pretty links or Mbp ninja affiliate, you will not be able to use a custom domain for your links, and you will have to use your main domain url (where the plugin has been installed)

  • Relying on a wp plugin to manage all your links might seems good for small sites, but if you are serious about your online business you should use a web based tool. You will never know if any of these plugins stop working in the future, not to mention other compatibility issues that such link cloaking plugin may cause with your other wp plugins. You don’t want to create links that work today and stop working after few months.


Generally, i have found LinkTrackr to work the best for me, it’s a 100% hosted link tracking solution so i don’t need to install, or configuring any plugins. I don’t need to worry about that my links may not work in the future because LinkTrackr stores all links and data for me, if all my websites goes down for any reason, all my created links and Ad campaigns will always work.

In my opinion LinkTrackr the best features for any serious internet marketer, their pricing start from $9/month upto $69/month for the extreme plan. I recommend you start with the $9/month basic plan and upgrade later when you create more links. Click here to get LinkTackr

LinkTrackr Review - Is It The Best Affiliate Link Cloaker?!


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