
How To Make Money With Wp Robot Plugin?

There are many ways to leverage the power of the internet and make some money online, from selling t-shirts on Ebay to selling your own digital products online, and making money with affiliate marketing. But the most single problem people face online is “Information overload”, there are tons of information everywhere and anyone can easily get confused and lost. On this page, i will show you some ways on how to use Wp Robot plugin effectively to make some money online, if you don’t what Wp Robot is, you can simply read my full Wp Robot review . First of all, I’d like to clarify that i’m only sharing what has worked for me personally and i can’t guarantee that you will make money with this plugin, simply because our results will vary. I’m only sharing my strategy to help you get the most out of Wp Robot. 3 Ways To Effectively Make Money with Wp Robot: Wp Robot is a simple auto-blogging plugin that can share content from many different sources on your blog automatically. It can also monet...

Wp Robot Plugin Full Review + Discount?

In this review, i will show you all Wp Robot plugin features and what it can do for you. I will also show you how you can get this plugin for as low a $99 incase you decided to buy it. I own Wp Robot plugin developer license, meaning that i can create sites with Wp Robot and sell them for profit. I wrote another article here that explains how you can make money with Wp Robot . But on this review, i will focus on explaining each of the Wp Robot modules so you can get the most out of the plugin. For Wp Robot Discount, scroll down to the bottom of this page. What is Wp Robot? Wp Robot is an auto-blogging plugin for wordpress that allows you to automatically create content for your blog and monetize that content using some of the affiliate programs like: Amazon, Ebay, Clickbank, Commission junction, Linkshare, Shopzilla and many others. Wp Robot can create content from 21 different sources including: Ezine Articles, Press releases, Rss feeds, Yahoo Answers, Images from Flickr, PLR content...

Effective Blog Commenting For SEO and Traffic

It’s been known in the Internet marketing and blogging community that commenting on blogs is effective for driving traffic, but many may not have had much success with this technique. The problem often is that an individual’s blog comments are not good quality and the blog author considers the post to be spam. In this case your time is wasted because the post gets removed. Always look to add value to the conversation, not just type a one or two word post that says “Thanks” or “Good article” which shows you’re simply looking for a link. In addition don’t spam the author’s post with sales related information to push your product or service onto their readers. Another issue is choosing the right blogs to post. Find out more about the blogger before making a decision to choose a blog for commenting. Follow them to get an a feel for their style and what topics they deem relevant. Look for blogs that have a page rank of PR4 or higher and cover topics that are related to your site or offer ma...

LinkTrackr Review - Is It The Best Affiliate Link Cloaker?!

In this review, i will show you all LinkTrackr features and how you can easily cloak, manage and track all your affiliate links easily and effectively. I have tested several affiliate link cloaking tools over the last few years, and at last i have decided to use LinkTrackr to cloak and manage all my links. There are many reasons of why i prefer using LinkTrackr over than any other link cloaking tool. keep reading to discover why! What is LinkTrackr? LinkTrackr is simply a web service that allows you to create, cloak, split test and track all your links in one place. LinkTrackr makes it easy to: Cloak and protect your affiliate links against commission theft. Optimize your links for search engines index and social media sharing. Track all your links clicks and performance anywhere on the web, like: third party sites and social media. Do split testing and test multiple URLs with one link. Track clicks from banners or ads you create on other sites, ex: Facebook ads, solo ads, PPC, and mo...

How To Rank Your Cloaked Affiliate Links in Google?

Why Cloak Your Links? Many bloggers specially internet marketers are using a kind of tool or software to cloak their affiliate links. Cloaking  links simply means masking, hiding, shortening or redirecting your links in a way so that they will short, neat and more SEO friendly. Here’s an example of an Affiliate link: Before Cloaking: After Cloaking: This is an affiliate link for a Clickbank product called “Directory of Ezines” which is a good directory for Solo Ads. As you can see the main affiliate link is very long link with random characters and numbers (Ugly). It’s neither a user nor search engine friendly, and generally no one likes to click on such links as it looks suspicious. The cloaked affiliate link will redirect people to the same old link, but it looks short, more professional (looks like a page or post on your website) and it’s very easy to remember. In the above example i use are...

Article Builder Honest Review - My Bad Experience!

In my Article Builder review, i will reveal to you my bad experience using article builder and why i don’t recommend buying it, specially if you are really looking for a way to create unique articles to use in your online business. First let me show you what is article builder and how it works.. What is Article Builder All About? Article builder is a web-based application ( by Jonathan Leger creator of the best spinner ) that allows you to create unlimited number of articles by pressing few buttons. Article builder generate articles using a large database of old-style Private Label Rights (PLR) articles and a built in spinner. It uses snippets to build articles based on categories and subtopics of your choice. Article builder claims that it has tens of thousands of categorized snippets in the database, so every time you generate an article, it should be different or unique! Remember this big claim because i’m about to show you that this is not true . Article builder is also considered...

Magic Article Rewriter review - How Good Compared to The Best Spinner?

In my magic article rewriter review, i will reveal to you my experience using the magic article rewriter software, whether or not you should use it and how good it is compared to the popular rewriting tool: the best spinner . What is Magic Article Rewriter? Magic Article Rewriter is an article rewriting software by Alexander Krulik , that can turn one article into many articles variations within few minutes, the software can rewrite (spin) words, sentences and whole phrases. It can also spin the anchor text and links inside the text, you can link to your main site or any other page (deep linking). Magic Article Rewriter uses a large database of synonyms or tokens to help you rewrite almost any article on any topic. You can also add your own words, synonyms to the software database to train the software to suit your writing style, and to get better articles variations. The Idea Behind Using Magic Article Rewriter: The whole idea of using any article rewriting tool like magic article r...