How To Rank Your Cloaked Affiliate Links in Google?
Why Cloak Your Links? Many bloggers specially internet marketers are using a kind of tool or software to cloak their affiliate links. Cloaking links simply means masking, hiding, shortening or redirecting your links in a way so that they will short, neat and more SEO friendly. Here’s an example of an Affiliate link: Before Cloaking: After Cloaking: This is an affiliate link for a Clickbank product called “Directory of Ezines” which is a good directory for Solo Ads. As you can see the main affiliate link is very long link with random characters and numbers (Ugly). It’s neither a user nor search engine friendly, and generally no one likes to click on such links as it looks suspicious. The cloaked affiliate link will redirect people to the same old link, but it looks short, more professional (looks like a page or post on your website) and it’s very easy to remember. In the above example i use are...